Euchre! App Reviews

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Doesnt work with iOS 7

app was decent, but now doesnt function with the new iOS. When it comes time to ask for your decision, the option window has no options to chose from. Very disappointing they did not fix this already!

iOS 7 update please

Great app, but please do an update! Cant play on iOS 7, its stuck at "its your turn, what would you like to do" with no options.

Needs fix for iOS7

Been using this app for years always worked great. Just upgraded to iOS7 and doesnt work properly anymore. PLEASE FIX!!!!!!!

What happened?!

This was a great app when I had it on my iphone4s. Since upgrading to the iphone6, the app just crashes every time I try and open it. Please update for newer phones. This was the best euchre app out there


Opponents almost always get better hands with the majority of bowers. You and your partner get dealt an inordinate number of 9s and 10s with an occasional bower.

For the most part its good...

Its pretty good and simple, although its not correct sometimes. For example, you have to follow suit, theres no reneges. When I put down right, nobody had left, so it had to have been in the kitty correct? Well, the next trick somebody put down left. Thats a renege, because right is the same suit as left in euchre. Also it tells me Im not following suit when I am. Its simple euchre, but incorrect.

A.I.? Nothing but cheat code

I really like Euchre and it brings back good times from my childhood as I got to sit and play with the men. Now, rately do people in my life get together and sit and play cards. I wanted to enjoy this app but this is a waste of time unless you are just learning to play. It is so predictable and not really playing. I have seen this over and over again. Novice players magically win with powerful cards despite their play and wise winners get shafted to "randomize" and balance the stats to make it "fair". Play with people or find something better to do with your time.

AI Partner is Useless at times

I dont know about all of you, but if I call trump, I generally have more than just the right bower. I mean, my AI partner literally had nothing but the right bower and called trump, ruining my loaner. Partner then trumped in with their right, and led a friggen 9 back! So frustrating. Even when partner has other trump to call on, they almost always trump in with a bower (regardless of if it was necessary) then lead back a low non- trump card. What the heck, man?


Fix the bugs or send an update to revert back to the old version. Crashes each game.

Please fix!!!

This was my favorite app prior to the most recent upgrade a few days ago, but its now almost unusable due to the app consistently crashing...please send a new fix/update out immediately!

Please fix!

This was a great app before the update and now it just crashes right away!


Love the game but it crashes ALL THE TIME. Please fix this!

Best Version Yet!!

I have been playing and enjoying this game for over two years now and have been waiting for the ability to play a card in advance, and now I can!!! Im twenty games in and no crashes so Im a happy euchre player:)

Simplisticly Great.

I love the the layout of this game. I dont look at the players last hands that often but I do like to slide the screen right and check out the last cards that were played. To all the people that are having problems with the game, try restarting your phone. I sent an email to the developer and he told me to try that and it stopped the game from randomly crashing for me. So for anyone having problems I hope this helps!

"Nice update"

Like many others , I cannot even access the updated app . Strong work!


Crashes when me or the computer reaches a score > 8. Fix it.

Update is a downgrade

Always been a little buggy. I used to receive "Must play a card from your hand" error message a LOT for no reason. Now it crashes all the time. Restarting my phone did not fix the issue. The gameplay is generally good. After a long wait, the card graphics were finally updated - they didnt look very good on the iPhone 4s retina display. The new pictures are just a little hard to see. In my experience, the AI is not bad, but sometimes you just get unlucky deals... "Last Trick" and "Last Hand" screens are helpful for reviewing what just happened.

Horrible upgrade

Was a favorite played thousands of games with original version, but the so called upgrade made the game unplayable. Crashes after each hand.


Crashes all the time. Also, if you could make the numbers even smaller and harder to read that would be GREAT! I LOVE holding my phone 6 inches from my face. Do you guys even test this stuff before you send it out?

Locks up all the time!

Used to be good, after the latest update, it locks up all the time.

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